Codestrate Packages
“Codestrate Packages turns content creation from an application-centric model into a document-centric model. Codestrate Packages no longer restricts users to the feature set of the application.”
We present Codestrate Packages, a package-based system to create extensible software within Codestrates. Codestrate Packages turns content creation from an application-centric model into a document-centric model. Codestrate Packages no longer restrict users to the feature set of the application. Instead packages allow users to add new features to their documents while already working on them. They can match the features to their current task at hand. Supporting the reprogrammable nature of Codestrates, new features can also be implemented by users themselves and shared with other people without having to leave the document. We illustrate the application of Codestrate Packages in an example scenario and present its technical concepts.
Marcel Borowski. 2018. Codestrate Packages: Design and Evaluation of a Package-Based Development Environment. Master Thesis at the University of Konstanz.
Marcel Borowski, Roman Rädle, and Clemens N. Klokmose. 2018. Codestrate Packages: An Alternative to “One-Size-Fits-All” Software. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’18). DOI: 10.1145/3170427.3188563. PDF.